How To Grow Borage Seeds

How To Grow Borage Seeds

Updated on Dec 28, 2021
By Shannon McCabe

Cucumber-flavored fresh leaves are added to salads, cooked, or made into a cooling drink. The blue flowers are used as a garnish. Makes a good honey plant. Also used medicinally. Add the flowers to drinks, use them to decorate cakes, or crystalize them.


The Roman author, naturalist and philosopher Pliny the Elder (AD 23-79) said "Borage always brings courage."


  • Borage deters hornworms from tomatoes.
  • Many culinary uses, from salads to tea.

  • Seeds germinate in 7-14 days.
  • Plant 1/4- 1/2 inch deep, 12 " apart.
  • Plants need 6-12 hours of sun per day.
  • Ideal germination temperature is 60-80 F.

  • Direct sow as soon as soil can be worked.
  • Succession plant for longer blooming season.
  • Frequently reseeds itself year after year.
  • Annual to 2 ft.


  • Damping off and powdery mildew are some of the most common problems and are caused by a fungus. Avoid this by not over watering and giving the plants good circulation.
  • For aphids, introduce or attract predators like lady beetles and wasps into the garden.
  • Sometimes a strong spray or an insecticidal soap will work.

  • Readily self seeds.
  • Harvest the large seeds when they are fully ripe. The flower will fade, and hang upside down. They will ripen from green to brown.
  • When the tips of the buds and where they attach to the stalk start turning brown and yellow, allow the seeds to continue to ripen.
  • Place on a plate and leave seeds in the bud to dry; they will start to fall out by themselves.
  • You can shake into a cup to encourage them to fall out.