How To Grow Dill Seeds
Latin name Anethum graveolens is an annual member of the Apiaceae, or carrot, family. This herb is an essential ingredient for pickles and a host of other dishes, and it is super attractive to pollinators and beneficial insects. Lacewing flies eat aphids and are considered a very beneficial insect, and they particularly love dill! Can grow as a summer annual in most USDA zones; in zones 9 and above dill should be grown over winter.
Native to the Mediterranean and western Asia. Mentioned in ancient Egyptian texts and considered good luck in ancient Rome.
- Dill has many culinary uses.
- Visited by many beneficial insects and pollinators
- Seeds germinate in 7-21 days.
- Plant 1/4 inch deep.
- Direct seed in the garden after all chance of frost has passed.
- Plants dislike transplanting.
- Ideal germination is 65–70 F.
- Prefers full sun.
- Provide rich, well-drained soil.
- Space plants 4 inches apart.
- Plant in an area with protection from high winds.
- Typically quite pest free.
- Provide good air circulation and keep foliage dry to prevent mold and fungal issues.
- Allow seed heads to turn brown and dry.
- Seeds will easily release when shaken over a bag.
- Store seeds in a cool, dark, dry place over winter.