How To Grow Echinacea Seeds
Latin name Echinacea sp. is a cold-hardy perennial that can bloom in the first year if seeds are started in early spring. The hardy plants are a top choice for low- and no-water gardens; they are care-free and provide a long season of blooms.
Native to eastern and central North America, often found in moist to dry wooded areas and prairies, as well as roadsides. A popular folk remedy to boost the immune system and prevent communicable diseases.
- Herbal remedy plant, especially popular in tea
- Perennial garden, wildflower meadow, landscape, beds, borders, large containers, cottage garden, cut flower production
- Rehabilitation and restoration sites
- Pollinator garden
- Visited by butterflies including the swallowtail, native bees, beneficial wasps, and more
- Goldfinches and other birds love the seeds
- Hummingbird attractor
- Seeds germinate in 10-30 days.
- Start indoors 8-12 weeks before last frost or direct sow seeds outdoors before last frost (you can direct sow in the fall and allow seeds to sit over winter).
- Sow seeds 1/4- 1/2 inch deep.
- Ideal germination temperature is 65-70 F.
- Keep soil relatively moist until germinated.
- Plants are very adaptable and will tolerate a wide range of conditions, but will perform their very best when given full sun and rich, well-drained soil.
- Space plants 12-24 inches apart.
- Keep plants deadheaded to promote blooming.
A generally disease-free plant.
- Be sure to keep echinacea free of powdery mildew and rots by not overcrowding plants.
- Poor air circulation and very poorly drained soil can lead to fungal issues for the plants.
- Allow the flowerhead containing the seeds to completely mature and dry on the plant, then clip off the flowerhead and place in a container.
- Working over the top of another clean, opened container, rub the flowerheads between the palms, breaking them apart.
- The small, blackish seeds can be separated from the chaff by first screening and then winnowing.