How To Grow Plantain Seeds
Latin name Plantago major is an herbaceous perennial member of the Plantaginaceae family. This weedy, easy-to-grow leafy green can easily be cultivated in a range of garden designs, from landscapes to row crops and pots. Young leaves are edible and make a lovely salad or cooked green.
Native to Eurasia, this plant has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. Historically used topically as a soothing treatment for stings and bites.
- Culinary
- Traditional medicinal
- Dye plant
- Ornamental
- Place seeds in refrigerator for 1 week to hasten germination.
- Direct sow outdoors in spring, about the time of last frost.
- Surface sow, gently pressing seeds into soil.
- Seeds germinate in 14-28 days.
- Ideal germination temperature is 60-90 F.
- A very easy-to-grow wild plant.
- Prefers full to part sun.
- Provide average to poor, well-drained soil.
- Space plants 8 inches apart.
- Plantain is a pest- and disease-free plant.
- To save seed, clip browned seed stalks and allow to dry down on a baking sheet or in a paper bag.
- Run hands down the stalk to dislodge seeds.
- Store in a cool, dry, dark place.
- Also can be vegetatively propagated by root cuttings.