Carrot Seeds, Lila Lu Sang

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(Daucus carota). Amazing flavor and color! A stunning newly developed European variety with deep purple and vibrant orange carrots. A dense nutrient profile and wildly unique color pattern make this a must-grow in the home garden as well as a top choice for market gardeners looking to draw intrigue with an unusual new offering. Sweet, delicious roots, mix the flavors of both orange and purple carrots.

  • 75 days to maturity
  • Full to partial sun
  • Sprouts in 12 - 18 days
  • Seed Depth: 1/8 inch
  • Plant Spacing: thin to 2 - 3"
  • Ideal Temperature: 50 - 75
  • Frost Hardy: Yes

Growing Tips, Tricks and FAQs

Growing Tips

To grow Lila Lu Sang carrots, start with loose, well-drained soil rich in organic matter. The soil should ideally have a slightly acidic pH, between 6.0 and 6.8, which supports the development of their long, straight roots. Like most carrots, Lila Lu Sang thrives in full sunlight. Ensure consistent watering to maintain soil moisture, which is crucial for preventing the roots from splitting and ensuring even growth​.

When to Grow

Lila Lu Sang carrots are best planted from late spring to early summer, particularly after the last frost has passed. This variety can handle slightly warmer temperatures better than other types, making it a good choice for both spring and early summer plantings. In frost-free regions, the carrots can be left in the ground over winter, where they will sweeten even further. In colder areas, harvesting should be completed before the first heavy frost, or the carrots can be stored in a cool, dark place until ready to use​.

How to Sow and Plant

When sowing Lila Lu Sang carrot seeds, plant them about 1/8 inch deep in rows spaced 12-18 inches apart. Carrot seeds can be challenging to handle due to their small size, so using seed tape or mixing seeds with sand can help with even distribution. To ensure the carrots have enough room to develop, thin the seedlings to 2-3 inches apart once they reach about 2 inches in height. This spacing helps prevent overcrowding, which can lead to smaller, misshapen roots. The seeds typically take 12-18 days to germinate, depending on the soil temperature, which should be kept consistently warm and moist for optimal results.

How to Grow

Thinning the seedlings is important to avoid competition for nutrients. Regular mulching can help retain soil moisture and suppress weed growth. These carrots generally take around 75 days to mature, at which point they can be harvested when they reach the desired size. The deep purple color of the roots will develop fully as the carrots mature, especially in cooler temperatures​.

How to Save

Lila Lu Sang carrots, like other carrot varieties, are biennials. They produce seeds in their second year of growth. To save seeds, allow some carrots to overwinter in the ground if your climate permits, or dig them up and store them in a cool place before replanting in spring. It's important to note that carrots can cross-pollinate with other varieties or even wild carrots, so if you wish to preserve the unique characteristics of the Lila Lu Sang, it's best to isolate the plants during flowering.


Can Lila Lu Sang carrots tolerate frost?
Yes, while they can tolerate light frost, it's best to harvest them before the first heavy frost or store them in a cool place.

How long do Lila Lu Sang carrots take to mature?
These carrots typically reach maturity in about 75 days.

What is the best time to harvest Lila Lu Sang carrots?
Harvest when the roots have developed their full color and reach about 20-30 mm in diameter, usually in late summer to early fall​.

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Carrot Seeds, Lila Lu Sang
Customer reviews (1)