Carrot Seeds, Parisienne

67 Reviews
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(Daucus carota). These small, round carrots are so popular in France. The tender, orange globes are superb lightly steamed. This little carrot is great for home and market gardens, as this variety is fairly uniform and easy to grow even in heavy soils. These have by far the highest amount of vitamin A of any carrot we tested, 2-3 times as much as most! They also have maximum flavor!

  • 55-70 days to maturity
  • Full sun
  • Sprouts in 12-18 days
  • Seed Depth: 1/8"
  • Plant Spacing: thin to 2-3" 
  • Ideal Temperature: 50-75 F
  • Frost Hardy: Yes

Growing Tips, Tricks and FAQs

Growing Tips

Parisienne carrots are especially suitable for gardeners with heavy or shallow soils and can even be grown successfully in containers. Carrots require light and fluffy soil in full sun, and adequate moisture but only average fertilizing. Best in cooler weather.

When to Grow

In most regions, Parisienne carrots can be planted in early spring as soon as the soil can be worked, typically after the last frost date. In warmer climates, it's also possible to plant them in late summer or early fall for a fall or winter harvest. The optimal soil temperature for sowing is between 50-75 F, and they are generally ready to harvest in 55-70 days.

How to Sow and Plant

Ensure the soil is loose, well-drained, and free of stones to allow the round roots to form properly. Sow the seeds directly into the garden about 1/8 inch deep. Space seeds approximately 1-2 inches apart in rows that are 12-18 inches apart. Carrot seeds can be challenging to handle due to their small size, so using seed tape or mixing seeds with sand can help with even distribution. Keep the soil moist during germination, which takes about 12-18 days.  Once seedlings are a few inches tall, thin them to about 2-3 inches apart to give each carrot enough room to grow​.

How to Grow

Parisienne Carrots require full sun, at least 6-8 hours daily, although they can tolerate partial shade. Maintain consistent moisture in the soil, aiming for about 1 inch of water per week. Avoid overwatering as it can cause the roots to split. A light application of balanced fertilizer, especially one low in nitrogen, will support healthy root development. Too much nitrogen encourages leafy growth instead of root formation​ Apply a layer of mulch to help retain soil moisture and suppress weeds​.

How to Save

If you want to save seeds from your Parisienne Carrots, you need to allow the plants to grow for two seasons since carrots are biennials. In the second year, they will flower and produce seeds. To ensure seed purity, isolate the carrot plants from other carrot varieties by at least 800 feet. Once the seeds have matured and dried on the plant, collect them for next season's planting​.


Can I grow Parisienne carrots in containers?
Yes, they are particularly well-suited for container gardening due to their small size. Use a container that is at least 12 inches deep​.

What pests should I watch out for?
Common pests include carrot flies, aphids, and root maggots. Using row covers can help protect against these pests.

How do I know when to harvest Parisienne carrots?
Harvest when the carrot tops are about 1 inch in diameter, typically 55-70 days after sowing. The small size of these carrots makes them easy to pull from the soil.

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Carrot Seeds, Parisienne
Customer reviews (67)

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