Corn Seeds, Dakota Black Popcorn

18 Reviews
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(Zea mays) Popcorn. Dakota Black popcorn has dark reddish-black ears that are quite attractive for fall decorations or popping into tasty popcorn! This variety is easy to grow and does well in almost all growing climates. The unique coloring also makes it fun for children’s gardens.

  • 85 days to maturity
  • Full sun
  • Soil Temperature: at least 60 F for planting
  • Sprouts in 7-10 days
  • Seed Depth: 1-2"
  • Ideal Temperature: 75-80 F
  • Plant Spacing: 12"
  • Frost Hardy: No

Growing Tips, Tricks and FAQs

Growing Tips

Dakota Black popcorn flourishes in rich, well-draining soil. Enhancing soil fertility with compost or well-rotted manure is recommended. Consistent moisture is vital, especially during germination and the formation of tassels and silks. Full sun exposure is essential for optimal growth. Monitoring for pests such as corn earworms and aphids is important to maintain healthy crops​​.

When to Grow

Sow Dakota Black popcorn seeds directly outdoors after the last frost date in your area when the soil temperature reaches at least 60 F. The ideal temperature for growing is 75-80 F. Using a soil thermometer can help ensure the soil is warm enough for planting​.

How to Sow and Plant

Direct sowing is recommended for Dakota Black popcorn since it does not transplant well. Plant the seeds about 1-2 inches deep, spacing them about 12 inches apart in rows 18-24 inches apart. Thin seedlings to the strongest plant per spacing once they reach a few inches tall. Planting in blocks of four to six rows rather than long single rows improves pollination due to corn's reliance on wind for spreading pollen​. Succession planting prolongs harvest.

How to Grow

Consistent watering is essential, particularly during key growth stages. Popcorn needs about 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week. Apply a balanced, organic fertilizer at planting, and then again at 4 and 8 weeks. Weeding is necessary to prevent competition for nutrients and water. Mulching can help conserve moisture and reduce weed growth. For tall plants, staking might be necessary to prevent wind damage. Ensure good air circulation around the plants to avoid diseases like common smut and leaf rust.

How to Save

  • Corn is wind pollinated and will easily cross with other varieties (including GMO corn!). You will need at least 1 mile of isolation to avoid cross pollination. You can also use staggered timing or caging techniques.
  • Hand pick ears when fully dried on stalk. Seeds keep best if left on the ear; just remove at planting time.
  • Sweet corn seeds will remain viable for 2 years; dent corn will last up to 5 years when properly stored.


How long does it take for Dakota Black popcorn to mature?
It typically takes about 85 days from planting to harvest​.

Can I grow Dakota Black popcorn in containers?
Due to its size and root depth requirements, it is not recommended to grow Dakota Black popcorn in containers​​.

How can I prevent common pests and diseases?
Practice crop rotation and use organic pest control methods like neem oil or insecticidal soap. Keep different types of corn isolated to prevent cross-pollination, which can affect the quality of both popcorn and sweet corn​​.

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Corn Seeds, Dakota Black Popcorn
Customer reviews (18)

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