Corn Seeds, Stowell's Evergreen Sweet

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(Zea mays) Sweet Corn. This is among the oldest sweet corn varieties still in production, predating 1849. It remains a favorite of many, producing tasty white kernels. The plants used to be pulled up when completely ripe, and hung upside down in a cool pantry.  In their semi-fresh state, ears would last well into the winter. In 1873, the seeds sold for 25 cents per pint.

  • 95-100 days to maturity
  • Full sun
  • Sprouts in 7-10 days
  • Soil Temperature: at least 60 F for planting
  • Seed Depth: 1-2"
  • Ideal Temperature: 75-80 F
  • Plant Spacing: 12"
  • Frost Hardy: No

Growing Tips, Tricks and FAQs

Growing Tips

Stowell's Evergreen sweet corn requires full sun and well-drained soil enriched with compost or well-rotted manure. Corn is a heavy feeder, so ensure the soil is fertile and supplemented with organic fertilizer high in nitrogen. Maintain consistent moisture, especially during germination and tasseling, for optimal growth​.

When to Grow

Plant Stowell's Evergreen sweet corn when soil temperatures reach about 60 degrees F, after all danger of frost is past. This variety typically takes 95-100 days to mature. For best results, check your local frost dates to time your planting correctly. You can also prolong the harvest by planting in succession every two weeks​​.

How to Sow and Plant

Direct sow seeds 1-2 inches deep and 4-6 inches apart in rows spaced 30-36 inches apart. Thin seedlings to about 12 inches apart once they reach 3-4 inches in height. Plant in blocks of at least three to five short rows rather than one or two long rows to ensure good pollination. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged during germination​.

How to Grow

Maintain regular watering, especially during critical stages like tasseling and ear development. Corn plants require moderate to heavy watering, and a soaker hose or drip irrigation is recommended. Avoid overhead watering during pollination to prevent poor kernel set. Side-dress with compost or a balanced fertilizer when plants are about knee-high. Practice crop rotation to prevent soil depletion and pest buildup​​.

How to Save

  • Corn is wind pollinated and will easily cross with other varieties (including GMO corn!). You will need at least 1 mile of isolation to avoid cross pollination. You can also use staggered timing or caging techniques.
  • Hand pick ears when fully dried on stalk. Seeds keep best if left on the ear; just remove at planting time.
  • Sweet corn seeds will remain viable for 2 years; dent corn will last up to 5 years when properly stored.


Can Stowell's Evergreen sweet corn be grown in containers?
It is not ideal for container gardening due to its height and space requirements, but it can be grown in large containers with adequate support and care.

How do I ensure good pollination for Stowell's Evergreen?
Plant corn in blocks of at least three to five short rows for effective wind pollination. You can also hand-pollinate by shaking the tassels to distribute pollen onto the silks.

What makes Stowell's Evergreen special?
This heirloom variety is cherished for its sweet, old-fashioned flavor and its ability to stay fresh on the stalk longer than other varieties, hence the name "evergreen"​​.

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Corn Seeds, Stowell's Evergreen Sweet
Customer reviews (29)

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