Gourd Seeds, Dishcloth (Edible Luffa)

53 Reviews
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Burpee’s 1888 catalog said, “A natural dishcloth, and a most admirable one. Many people prefer this as a dishcloth. The fruit grows about 2 feet, and the vine is very ornamental, producing clusters of yellow blossoms, in pleasing contrast with the silvery-shaded, dark green foliage. In the north, this variety requires starting in a hotbed. The dried interiors of these gourds have already become an article of commerce; grown in Florida, they are sold by Philadelphia and NY druggists.”  Tasty cooked like okra when young.

  • 130 days
  • Full Sun
  • Sprouts in 3-10 Days
  • Ideal Temperature: 75-90 Degrees F
  • Plant Spacing: 18-24"
  • Frost Hardy: No
  • Luffa aegyptiaca

Growing Tips, Tricks and FAQs

Growing Tips

Trellising is suitable. Provide full sun, ample moisture, rich soil and a lot of heat. Pick after first frost. Dry indoors, or outdoors under cover.

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Gourd Seeds, Dishcloth (Edible Luffa)
Customer reviews (53)

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