Kale Seeds, Sahara

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(Brassica oleracea).  Super simple to grow, this smooth and broad-leafed kale displays gorgeous blue/green foliage with brilliant white veins, and thrives with ferocious vigor with hardly any input. Sahara Kale thrives where others falter, enduring scorching desert-hot temperatures. The seeds of this heat-loving kale were passed to us by Joseph Simcox after his journey to the rugged oasis near Ouarzazate, Morocco. Simcox noted that while barren fields were scorched by roaring temperatures of 120 degrees, one leafy green plant thrived while others wilted and faded. Intrigued, Simcox ventured from village to village, conversing with locals about this botanical anomaly. “Nothing stops this plant!” exclaimed one villager. “Not only can it take the heat but also the cold!” Due to the chilly nighttime temperatures and blazing hot days experienced in the desert, this kale is one of the most versatile choices for a diverse range of climates. Sahara Kale shines in the kitchen with its rich, delectably succulent smooth leaves bursting with flavor. We love this highly adaptable kale from North Africa.

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