Agastache Seeds Ageratum Seeds Amaranth Seeds Armeria Maritima Seeds Artichoke Seeds Arugula Seeds Asparagus Seeds Aster Seeds
Baby's Breath Seeds (Covent Garden) Bachelor's Button Seeds Balloon Flower Seeds Banana Plants Barley Seeds Basil Seeds Basketflower Seeds Bean Seeds Bean Seeds, Common Bean Seeds, Fava Bean Seeds, Garbanzo Bean Seeds, Hyacinth Bean Seeds, Lima Bean Seeds, Long Bean Seeds, Runner Bean Seeds, Soy Bean Seeds, Winged Bee Balm Seeds Beet Seeds Bellflower Plants Bells Of Ireland Seeds Bitter Melon Seeds Blackberry Plants Blueberry Plants Bok Choy / Tatsoi Seeds Books and Catalogs Borage Seeds Boysenberry Plants Broccoli Seeds Brussels Sprouts Seeds Buckwheat Seeds Bulbs Burdock Seeds Butterfly Pea Seeds
Cabbage Seeds Calendula Seeds Canterbury Bells Seeds Carrot Seeds Catalog Cauliflower Seeds Celery Seeds Celosia & Cockscomb Seeds Chamomile Seeds Chervil Seeds Chinese Cabbage Seeds Chive Seeds Cilantro / Coriander Seeds Citrus Plants Clothing and Swag Clover Seeds Coleus Seeds Collard Seeds Collections Columbine Seeds Coreopsis Seeds Corn Salad Seeds Corn Seeds Cosmos Seeds Cowpea Seeds Craspedia Seeds Crocus Bulbs Cucumber Seeds
Daffodil Bulbs Dahlia Seeds Daisy Seeds Dandelion Seeds Dianthus Seeds Dill Seeds Dock or Sorrel Seeds Dragon Fruit Plants
Echinacea Seeds Eggplant Seeds Elecampane Seeds Endive Seeds
Fall Favorites Fennel Seeds Fenugreek Seeds Fertilizer Festivals and Tickets Fig Plants Flower Seeds Forget-Me-Not Seeds
Gaillardia Seeds Garlic Bulbs Gift Certificates Gifts and Supplies Goji Berry Seeds Gomphrena Seeds Goth Garden Gourd Seeds Grass Seeds Ground Cherry Seeds
Herb Seeds Hibiscus Plants Holiday Gift Collection Hollyhock Seeds Honeywort Seeds Horehound Seeds Huckleberry Seeds Hyacinth Bulbs
Iceplant Seeds
Jelly Melon Seeds Jewels of Opar Seeds Job's Tears Seeds Joseph's Coat Plants
Kale Seeds King of Bitters Seeds Kohlrabi Seeds
Lace Flower Seeds Lavender Seeds Leek Seeds Lemon Balm Seeds Lemongrass Seeds Lettuce Seeds Litchi Tomato Seeds Lovage Seeds Love-in-a-Mist Seeds
Marigold Seeds Marshmallow Seeds Marvel of Peru or Four O'Clock Seeds Melon Seeds Milkweed Seeds Mint Plants Mint Seeds Mizuna Seeds Molokhia Seeds Moonflower Seeds Moringa Seeds Morning Glory Seeds Mullein Seeds Mustard Seeds
Nasturtium Seeds Nicotiana Seeds
Okra Seeds Onion Bulbs Onion Seeds Online Seed Catalog Oregano Seeds Oyster Leaf Seeds
Pansy / Viola Seeds Papalo Seeds Papaya Plants Parsley Seeds Parsnip Seeds Passion Fruit Plants Pea Seeds Peanut Seeds Pepper Seeds Pepper Seeds, Hot Pepper Seeds, Sweet Petunia Seeds Phlox Seeds Pitcher Plant Rhizomes Pitcher Plant Seeds Plants Plants and Seeds Poppy Seeds Portulaca / Moss Rose Seeds Potatoes Primrose Seeds Ptilotus Seeds Purslane Seeds
Quinoa Seeds
Radicchio Seeds Radish Seeds Raspberry Plants Returning Seeds Rosemary Seeds Rudbeckia Seeds Rutabaga Seeds
Safflower Seeds Saint John's Wort Seeds Salpiglossis Seeds Salvia and Sage Seeds Savory Seeds Scabiosa Seeds Snail Vine Seeds Snake Bean Seeds Snapdragon Seeds Sorghum Seeds Sourdough Starter Spinach Plants Spinach Seeds Squash Seeds Squash Seeds, Summer Squash Seeds, Winter Stevia Seeds Stock Seeds Strawberry Plants Strawberry Seeds Strawflower Seeds Sunflower Seeds Sweet Pea Seeds Sweet Potato Plants Swiss Chard Seeds
Tamarillo Seeds, Dwarf Thyme Seeds Tomatillo Seeds Tomato Seeds Tomato Seeds, Blue & Purple Tomato Seeds, Cherry & Grape Tomato Seeds, Green Tomato Seeds, Orange Tomato Seeds, Pink & Red Tomato Seeds, Striped Tomato Seeds, White & Yellow Tong Ho Seeds Tools Toothache Plant Seeds Tulip Bulbs Turmeric Plants Turnip Seeds
Vegetable Seeds Vinca Seeds
Watercress Seeds Watermelon Seeds Wax Melon Seeds Wheat Seeds
Yarrow Seeds
Zinnia Seeds
Sage Seeds, Sacred White Sage
90 days. Perennial in zones 7-12. Salvia apiana, also called Sacred sage or White sage, is a strikingly beautiful and fragrant variety native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. The long, elliptical leaves turn bright white as they mature, and the silvery blue flowers are a favorite of pollinators. This woody shrub will grow quite large as a perennial, up to five feet tall and three feet wide. In colder climates, it can be grown as an annual or in pots. Sacred sage is often dried and used ceremonially. Its traditional medicinal uses include detoxification and purification. All sales of this variety will be donated to Sudan Mission, a nonprofit founded by Samah Schumacher in 2020 to rebuild farms and schools, provide clean water, and improve healthcare and sustainable development in Sudan and other parts of Africa.