Sorrel Seeds, Gabonese

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Rumex abyssinicus is a tropical African relative of common garden sorrel. Like its temperate cousin, Gabonese Sorrel has edible leaves and stems that are sour, sweet, and delicious. Botanical Explorer Joe Simcox first encountered this plant in a market in Vama, Gabon. Women there were selling bunches of the top leaves and stems. They claimed the leaves were a delicious cooked green, so Joe bought several bunches and headed further north to the town of Minvoul where the next day he approached one of the women at the local food hut and asked her to prepare them. Deftly, she chopped up the leaves, added a tomato and some onions, and wow! What an incredible, delicious sautéed green! Tangy and absolutely delicious. The plant grows quickly and loves moisture and heat. It is a great cooked vegetable that is almost unknown on this side of the planet!

  • Sprouts: 10 - 14 days
  • Ideal Temp: 65 - 75
  • Seed Depth: 1/4 inch
  • Plant Spacing: 10 - 12"
  • Frost Hardy: Yes
  • Full to Partial Sun
  • Rumex abyssinicus

Growing Tips, Tricks and FAQs

Growing Tips

 Prefers full sun. Provide rich soil. Containers should be at least 12 inches across, and in the garden stevia requires 18 inches between plants. Stevia thrives in containers but enjoys having space. Remove spent blooms to prolong harvest

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Sorrel Seeds, Gabonese
Customer reviews (2)

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