Turnip Seeds, Asuka Akane

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(Brassica rapa). This Japanese turnip with slender roots and a vibrant magenta color adds a splash of pink color to pickles, stir-fries, and salads. Growers, add this eye-catching turnip to root stacks and bundles for extra curb appeal at the farmers market.

  • 40-60 days to maturity
  • Full sun
  • Sprouts in 4-7 days
  • Seed Depth: 1/4”
  • Plant Spacing: 5”
  • Ideal Temperature: 45-85 F
  • Frost Hardy: Yes

Growing Tips, Tricks and FAQs

Growing Tips

The Asuka Akane Turnip thrives in cooler climates and should be planted in well-drained, loamy soil that is rich in organic matter. To prevent the roots from becoming woody or bitter, maintain consistent moisture levels, ensuring the soil doesn’t dry out completely. These turnips are sensitive to overcrowding, so thin seedlings appropriately to allow space for root development​. Companion planting with radishes can help deter some pests​.

When to Grow

This turnip is best planted in early spring or late summer, depending on your USDA zone. In colder regions, sow seeds as soon as the soil can be worked in spring, typically a few weeks before the last frost. For a fall harvest, plant seeds in late summer, approximately 8-10 weeks before the first expected frost​.

How to Sow and Plant

Direct sow seeds about 1/4 inch deep, with about 1-2 inches between seeds in rows spaced 12-18 inches apart. Once seedlings emerge and have a few true leaves, thin them to about 5 inches apart to ensure each plant has enough space to develop properly​.

How to Grow

Turnips need full sun (at least 6 hours per day) and should be watered regularly, with about 1-2 inches of water per week. Mulch can be used to retain soil moisture and protect the roots from sunburn. Avoid high nitrogen fertilizers, as they promote leaf growth over root development. Instead, use a balanced or slightly phosphorus-rich fertilizer at planting and mid-season​.

How to Save

To save seeds, allow some of your turnip plants to flower and produce seed pods. Once the pods turn brown and dry on the plant, they can be harvested. Clean the seeds and store them in a cool, dry place. Make sure to rotate crops and avoid planting other Brassica family crops in the same spot to reduce the risk of diseases​.


How long does it take for Asuka Akane turnips to mature?
Asuka Akane turnips typically take about 40 to 60 days to mature, depending on growing conditions.

Can Asuka Akane turnips tolerate frost?
Yes, these turnips can tolerate light frosts, which may even improve their flavor. However, they should be harvested before a hard freeze to avoid damage​.

How should I water Asuka Akane turnips?
Turnips require consistent moisture to develop properly. They should receive about 1-2 inches of water per week, ensuring that the soil stays moist but not waterlogged to prevent the roots from becoming woody or bitter​.

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Turnip Seeds, Asuka Akane
Customer reviews (5)

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