Zinnia Seeds, Oklahoma Scarlet

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(Zinnia elegans). These scarlet red pompom beauties are ideal for cut flowers, offering 2.5” blooms that range from semi-double to fully double, and even triple or quadruple. Truly a marvel of nature, these hardy flowers excel in virtually any garden. Sourced from the esteemed Benary Seeds of Germany.

  • Annual
  • 60-70 days to maturity
  • 6-8 hours of full sun
  • Sprouts in 4-6 days
  • Seed Depth: 1/4"
  • Plant Spacing: 9-12"
  • Ideal Temperature: 70-95 F
  • Frost Hardy: No

Growing Tips, Tricks and FAQs

Growing Tips

The Oklahoma Scarlet zinnia grows best in full sun with nutrient-rich, well-draining soil. This variety has a natural resistance to powdery mildew, making it an excellent choice for cutting gardens and pollinator-friendly landscapes. Regular deadheading or frequent cutting encourages continuous blooms and maintains the plant’s health and appearance throughout the season.

When to Grow

Sow outdoors after the final frost, or start seeds indoors about 4 weeks earlier. We advise you to check local frost dates to avoid planting too early, as zinnias are sensitive to frost. The ideal soil temperature for germination is 75-80 F.

How to Sow and Plant

Plant seeds at a depth of about 1/4 inch and space them 6-12 inches apart to allow good air circulation and minimize disease risk. Lightly cover seeds, as they require some exposure to light for germination. If starting indoors, use biodegradable pots or other means to minimize root disturbance when transplanting​.

How to Grow

Keep soil moderately moist, allowing it to dry slightly between waterings to reduce the likelihood of mildew. Fertilize lightly every 4-6 weeks to support growth and flowering. Keep deadheaded to encourage continued blooming.

How to Save

  • Allow the flowerhead containing the seeds to mature and dry on the plant.
  • Clip off the flowerhead and place it in a paper bag or other container.
  • Working over the top of another clean, opened container, rub the flowerheads between the palms to break them apart.
  • The seeds can be separated from the chaff by first screening and then winnowing.
  • Store in a cool, dry, dark place over winter.


How long does it take for Oklahoma Scarlet zinnias to bloom?
These zinnias bloom about 60-70 days after planting, depending on growing conditions​.

Do Oklahoma Scarlet zinnias attract pollinators?
Yes, these vibrant red blooms attract a variety of pollinators, including butterflies and bees.

Can Oklahoma Scarlet zinnias be used for dried flower arrangements?

Yes, these zinnias dry well if harvested at peak bloom and hung upside down in a warm, dry place. They retain their vibrant color, making them ideal for dried arrangements.

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