Red goji berries

Wolfberry vs Goji Berry - Are They the Same Thing?

Updated on Jun 19, 2023
By Michelle Johnson

The terms goji berry and wolfberry are often used interchangeably. Is there a difference? Well, sort of. Keep reading and find out!

Similar yet Different

Both names can be used to refer to the fruit of Lycium chinense and Lycium barbarum, two closely related species of boxthorn, in the Solanaceae family. While the two plants are very similar, the fruit of L. barbarum is sweeter, less astringent and higher in betaine, an important nutrientbelieved to support liver and kidney health. Additionally, the fruit of L. barbarum is meatier in texture, while L. chinense is more fibrous. (Please note that only the mature fruit of either species should be eaten.)

Goji berries growing in the wild

Goji Berries

Origin of Both Terms

Most commercially available goji berries are L. barbarum originating from China. It’s likely that the term goji berry came from an anglicizing of its Chinese name, gǒuqǐ. There are a number of theories about how wolfberry got its name. One holds that the Latin word Lycium was derived from the Greek word lycos, which means “wolf.” Others suggest that 18th century Chinese farmers gave it that name after seeing wolves eating the berries from their vines.

Main Takeaways

While Lycium chinense and Lycium barbarum are similar, there are some differences. L. barbarum fruit is sweeter, less astringent, contains more betaine, and has a meatier texture than L. chinense fruit. Speaking about the term “goji berry” itself, it's likely that it is simply an anglicism of its Chinese name. Meanwhile, "wolfberry" might have come from the Latin Lycium or wolves seen eating the berries.