Zinnia Seeds, Queen Lime Red

40 Reviews
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(Zinnia elegans). This large-flowered, dahlia-type zinnia combines ruby tones with apple green, and the result is sophisticated ethereal loveliness! The flowers are very double, blooming all season long on productive, full-sized zinnia plants that grow up to 3’ tall.

  • Annual
  • 75-90 days to maturity
  • 6-8 hours of full sun
  • Sprouts in 4-6 days
  • Seed Depth: 1/4"
  • Plant Spacing: 9-12"
  • Ideal Temperature: 70-95 F
  • Frost Hardy: No

Growing Tips, Tricks and FAQs

Growing Tips

Queen Lime Red zinnia is a captivating heirloom variety, ideal for cut flowers, borders, and pollinator gardens. It grows best in full sun and well-draining soil, blooming throughout summer and into early fall. Cut frequently or deadhead spent flowers for highest production.

When to Grow

Plant Queen Lime Red zinnia seeds after the last frost when soil temperatures are consistently warm, typically in late spring. In USDA hardiness zones 3-10, these seeds can be direct sown outdoors or started indoors 4 weeks prior to the last frost for earlier blooms.

How to Sow and Plant

Sow seeds directly 1/4 inch deep in a sunny location. Space the plants 9-12 inches apart to ensure good air circulation, minimizing the risk of mildew. If starting indoors, plant seeds in trays and keep them moist until germination, which takes about 4-6 days. Transplant seedlings outside once temperatures are warm​. Use biodegradable pots or other means to minimize root disturbance when transplanting​.

How to Grow

These zinnias need at least 6-8 hours of sunlight daily. Water moderately, making sure the soil dries between watering sessions to prevent root rot. Occasional fertilization with a balanced fertilizer can improve flower production.

How to Save

  • Allow the flowerhead containing the seeds to mature and dry on the plant.
  • Clip off the flowerhead and place it in a paper bag or other container.
  • Working over the top of another clean, opened container, rub the flowerheads between the palms to break them apart.
  • The seeds can be separated from the chaff by first screening and then winnowing.
  • Store in a cool, dry, dark place over winter.


How can I prevent powdery mildew on Queen Lime Red zinnia?
Plant it in a location with good air circulation and space the plants 9-12 inches apart. Avoid overhead watering and water at the base to keep the foliage dry​.

Is Queen Lime Red zinnia suitable for bouquets?
Yes, this variety is excellent for cut flowers because of its sturdy stems and long-lasting blooms. For the best vase life, harvest the flowers early in the morning when they are fully open, as they will not continue to open after cutting.

Does Queen Lime Red zinnia attract pollinators?
Yes, the bright blooms of the flower attract butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, and other insects useful in the garden.

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Zinnia Seeds, Queen Lime Red
Customer reviews (40)

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