Hot Pepper Seeds, Jigsaw

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(Capsicum annuum). Jigsaw pepper is a stunning feast for the eyes! Leaves are multicolored in tie-dye patterns of lavender, cream, violet, sea foam, and forest green, making it one of the most ornamental peppers. Short, stocky plants produce small, plum-colored fruit, about as spicy as a Tabasco pepper. Try this dazzling edible ornamental in containers or borders, anywhere its ornate foliage can be admired.

  • 100-120 days to maturity
  • 8-12 hours of full sun
  • Sprouts in 7-10 days
  • Seed Depth: 1/4"
  • Plant Spacing: 14-18"
  • Ideal Temperature: 70-95 F
  • Frost Hardy: No

Growing Tips, Tricks and FAQs

Growing Tips

The Jigsaw pepper is a rare heirloom variety that requires warm temperatures and plenty of sunlight to thrive. You can use a heat mat to help keep the soil warm during germination. It grows best in rich and well-draining soil with moderate moisture.

When to Grow

Start Jigsaw pepper seeds indoors about 8-12 weeks before the last expected frost date, as this variety needs a long, warm season to reach full maturity. Transplant outdoors only after all risk of frost has passed. Check your local area’s frost dates for the best planting time.

How to Sow and Plant

Sow seeds about 1/4 inch deep in a quality seed-starting mix, maintaining a soil temperature of 80-85 F during germination. Harden seedlings off gradually over a week before transplanting. Space plants 14-18 inches apart in full sun and well-draining soil for best results.

How to Grow

Water the peppers deeply and regularly, keeping the soil evenly moist. Avoid overhead watering to reduce disease risk. Apply a balanced fertilizer when transplanting, then switch to a phosphorus-rich fertilizer once flowers appear to encourage fruit production. These peppers need full sun and will do best with at least 8-12 hours of direct sunlight daily. Given their ornamental and productive nature, stakes or cages may be helpful to support the branches as they mature and bear fruit.

How to Save

  • Peppers are mainly self-pollinating, but bees occasionally work pepper flowers as well.
  • To be absolutely sure that you will not have any crossing, different varieties should be isolated by at least 500 feet.
  • It is a good idea to wear gloves when working with very hot peppers, and to consider wearing a mask when working with a large quantity of dried seeds.
  • To save seed, allow the fruit to mature fully; then simply remove seeds.
  • Let seeds dry for a week before storing them in a jar.
  • Pepper seeds will remain viable for up to 5 years.


How hot is the Jigsaw pepper?
The Jigsaw pepper is hot, with Scoville ratings around 50,000 SHU – comparable to Tabasco heat level.

How long does Jigsaw pepper take to mature?
Jigsaw peppers typically take about 100-120 days from transplanting to reach full maturity, depending on growing conditions.

How do I handle Jigsaw peppers safely?
Due to their extreme heat, wear gloves when handling these peppers and avoid contact with your face. Wash hands thoroughly after handling to prevent irritation or burns.

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Hot Pepper Seeds, Jigsaw
Customer reviews (40)

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